Thursday, December 13, 2012

Design & Thinking Poster

Recently, Jeb Kennedy was given the opportunity to help out with an event happening in Northwest Arkansas put on by a group called Creatives United. CU brings together creative people and businesses from the Northwest Arkansas area to collaborate and learn from each other . This past week they had a showing of the new documentary, Design & Thinkingheld at the John Brown University campus.

Kyle B. was asked by the event planner to create an illustrated event poster that attendees could leave with. After the showing of the documentary there was time for anyone to get their poster signed if they so desired. 

If you are living in the NWA area, check out Creatives United and see if it's something you are interested in. Jason and Kyle B. both attend events and think they're the llama's pajamas.

Special thanks to Moxy Ox for printing the posters. They were awesome prints, you guys.

The Poster:

Signature and Photo of Kyle B. with Jeb's "Biggest Fan", Corey Campbell:


  1. this is one of the best posters you've ever done, kyle B.

  2. I think the elbow pads what did it.

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