Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Batman Buildup #1

Welcome Dear Reader to Jeb Kennedy's "Batman Buildup", an ENTIRE MONTH of Batman fan art, leading up to the release of "The Dark Knight Rises" on July 20th. You may be thinking "Boys boys boys. A whole month of Batman art? Like every day??? INSANITY!" And you would be completely right. Between summer plans and business trips, along with our own Kyle Blair being MIA until August, it will be difficult to challenge to post every day. BUT LADIES AND GENTLEMEN THAT IS THE CHALLENGE I PRESENT TO YOU TODAY. Fueled by our love of all things Gotham City, in addition to a little help from a few friends along the the way, I believe that we can  (sort of maybe) accomplish this lofty goal. 

This month is particularly special for Jeb Kennedy. All of us were obsessed with Batman from a very early age. I would even dare to say that if it were not for Batman (specifically Bruce Timm's masterpiece "Batman: The Animated Series") I probably would not have pursued a career in illustration. So all the art you see this month, while widely varied in tone and style, all comes from a place of sincere love and respect for this iconic character. 

Thanks again for your continued support as we seek out new ways to share our passion for illustration, comics, and Batman. 

And now on with the show!

"Gotham Sweaty: Batman"