Monday, August 13, 2012

Weird Wins: Why I Already Love "Paranorman"

I was a weird kid (i'm still weird, just not a kid anymore). Being homeschooled probably put me at a disadvantage when it comes to being "normal". I spent most of highschool hanging out at my parents' house drawing, watching movies, or painting my wargame miniatures. So I wasn't exactly a part of the "in" crowd during my teenage years.

Having a history of weirdness is primarily what has gotten me so excited for Paranorman and the studio's "Weird Wins" theme. I love that they are encouraging people to hang on to their quirks and not worry about what other people think. I probably would have never met my fellow members of Jeb Kennedy if I wasn't somewhat odd, so i'm very thankful to have retained my weirdness throughout all these years!

In anticipation for Paranorman's upcoming release, I created this little fan-poster:

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