Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Batman Buildup #21: Double Guest Artwork!!!!

Today we have two guest pieces from two total bros.

Bro numba Juan: Ian Barker. Ian is a really talented character designer/comic artist. He has tumblr where he posts his art on the regs. He is tall, silent, has great taste in music, and is totes single (LAAAADIES).

Bro Numba Too: Donny Epp. Donny is a an amazing designer with a website where he posts doodles bugs and brain farts. When I first knew him I thought his last name was "Epps". He has a great sense of humor and the world's most amazing goatee, but sadly is married (sorry ladies).

Keep that batman artwork coming bros (and chicks)! You can email submissions to jebkennedycollectiveATgmailDOTcom 


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